Wednesday 7 November 2012

Second Choice Assignment - Symbols of "Lord Of The Flies"

The Conch Shell

    In the novel Lord Of The Flies,the conch shell is a symbol of government, order and respect between the boys. In the beginning of the novel, when they still were trying to work together, the shell was important to keep them organized and fair with each other; Who had the shell, also had the right to speak. However, when the boys lost their minds and became aggressive, the conch shell had no meaning for them anymore. As the shell no longer has an impact on the children, civilization, respect, organization and justice also are gone.
The Signal Fire

    Since the very beginning of the novel Lord Of The Flies, Ralph and Piggy are very worried about keeping the fire going because they know of its importance for their rescue. The signal fire is a symbol of hope and connection to civilization. Keeping it going is the only way someone in the air or in the ocean can see that there are people on that island. Because some of the boys loose hope that someone will appear, they don't worry about keeping the fire going. It represents the kid's willing of being rescued.
Piggy's glasses

    The character Piggy from Lord Of The Flies is really smart and his glasses take a really important role in the novel. The boys use it to make fire so that they can be seen by some ship or plane. Piggy's glasses can be a symbol of inteligence and it can represent the power of science within a group of people. They were capable to think and find out a way to make fire using science thoughts. The glasses can also be a symbol of civilization and it can represents attachment to society; They were only able to make the fire because of Piggy's specs, so if they didn't have it, they probably would never be rescued.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you in all of these 3 symbols. Specially Piggy's glasses. Using the glasses was a fast and easy way to create fire. Without them their chances of being rescued would decreased.
