Tuesday 13 November 2012

Novel Response

The strongest horror is the horror. In Apocalypse Now, Kurtz did horrible things in the Vietnam War. This let other people feel they were under the horror. People became crazy in the war because the horror was floating above them. In Lord of the Flies, Jack did almost the same thing where the beast was the horror in the boys' mind. Because of this, the boys chose to join Jack's tribe instead of Ralph's. Jack behaved like a savage and even burned the mountain to catch Ralph. Jack just wanted to grow horror in every boys' mind. Therefore, the boys had no choice but to follow Jack. If the boys didn't stand with the horror, they died. Most of the bad things people did, began with horror.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree that horror can be contagious and is a pathway to evilness and bad behavior. I also agree that horror can change peoples thoughts and possibly their personalities as well.I admire how you compared the events from "Apocalypse Now" to "Lord of the Flies" because I can now understand better how the quote is related to "Lord of the Flies" and not just a few events which take place during the story. Overall, your polished response writing was very well done with good ideas.
