Tuesday 13 November 2012

Polished Response:

Polished Response:

Oh the horror…the horror…” is a quote from the character Kurtz in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. This quote can also be related to Lord of the Flies, by William Golding. This quote references the horror that Kurtz has seen and committed , which can be related to the darkness and horror the boys experienced in Lord of the Flies. Kurtz had to overcome the fact that he killed many people in the war and the boys in Lord of the Flies had to overcome the deaths of Piggy and Simon. In the story the boys were scared of the beast, which was the horror causing them to be scared of everything, and in trying to find the beast, they became the beast just like Kurtz became the horror in The Heart of Darkness.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked how smoothly you linked your novel and ideas in with the quote "Oh the horror, the horror". Similarly in "Animal Farm" the animals had to overcome the sadness of losing their friends when many animals were slaughtered at the feet of Napoleon and having their song "Beasts of England" banned. Although in your novel the boys are scared of the beast, I would say in "Animal Farm" Napoleon was the beast and the animals praised him.
