Monday 5 November 2012

Question Bank 2/2

Question Bank 2/2

Animal Farm

·      Why is it important to have a windmill on the farm?
·      Who called the van to take again Boxer?
·      Why did Napoleon create the seven commandments if he knew he was going to change them all later?
·      Where did Moses first hear about Sugarcandy Mountain? Did he create it?
·      From which characters perspective is the story told?
·      What was boxer’s main drive behind finishing the windmill?
·      Where is Napoleon during the battle?  Was he hiding?
·      What is the importance of the song “The Beasts of England”?
·      Why can pigs and sheep read better than the other animals? Do
They have the most similarity to humans?
·      Why does Mr. Pilkington agree to play cards with a pig? How did Napoleon learn to play cards?

Life of Pi

·      Why did Yann tell the readers about pi’s children and wife before he met them? Did this take away suspense from the story?
·      Why did Yann Martel mention that Pi was bullied as a child?
·      Why did the author go into such detail about the lifeboats frame?
·      After Pi went to all the trouble of creating Richard Parkers identity why did he so easily tell the investigators that he was indeed Richard Parker?
·      What drove the cook to cannibalism? Was it in his mind the last resort to survival?
·      Will Richard Parker reappear in Pi’s Future at another fatal situation?
·      How did Pi know what the Japanese investigators were saying? Does Pi speak Japanese?
·      Would Pi have survived without the survival manual?
·      Why did The Tsimtsum Sink? Was it intentional or accidental?
·      Did Richard Parker save Pi or did Religion? Is it possible that Richard Parker is a Creation of god? 

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