Wednesday 7 November 2012

Bank of question - Lord of the flies

1. How does the weather look like/change in chapter nine and for the rest of the novel? How does it relate to the novel? 2. How does Jack use the beast to control the boys? 3. How is the conch shell and the sows head symbolize something and hold so much power over the boys? 4. How does this novel reflect anything going on in the outside world that was going on, on the island? 5. Why did Ralph laugh when Piggy suggested calling an assembly? 6. Why does Ralph constantly forget about being rescued throughout the book? 7. Why did Roger kill Piggy when he was trying to talk while using the conch shell? 8. In chapter 12 what did Ralph realize about his status in Jack's tribe. 9. What's the irony in the island being boat shaped? 10. What's ironic about the island being on fire?

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