Tuesday 13 November 2012

Polished Response

Polished Response

“The horror! The horror!”, cries Kurtz in Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of Darkness.

Kurtz reflects on the horrors he has seen and done as he dies.

This quote could also apply to the horrors described in the novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell. The animals have witnessed many horrific events as Animal Farm strives to become a stable community within a corrupt system. Many animals confess their sins and crimes to Napoleon, and are then brutally slaughtered in front of all the other farm animals. These horrific killings continue “until there was a pile of corpses lying before Napoleon's feet and the air was heavy with the smell of blood”.

If that scarring event isn't enough, when Boxer fails to continue to work he is taken off in a glue maker’s van as all the animals watch. Animals are often considered to be innocent creatures, like children, but these animals witness horrific events or are even the subjects of pain and brutality, making the story horrific for one to read.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Sarai! Although I have not read "Animal Farm" I now know how brutal, cruel and horrific this novel is thanks to your detailed description, your examples, your quote and your analytical comparison where you stated that animals are often considered as innocent creatures just like children. The difference though is that these animals from Animal Farm have witnessed horrific events and aren't innocent anymore since they have already experienced the horrors of humanity (?) or rather life.
    I really liked the usage of the quote in your response because it really expresses the the horror and brutality. Since it is a quote, you should also cite it so the reader knows where to find it in the novel.
    Summing up, you did a really good job!
