Thursday 8 November 2012

Animal Farm Comic

Animal Farm 
Pages 88-89

This comic strip is a glimpse of the climax of the novel “Animal Farm” by George Orwell. When the animals come running to see that Squealer is walking upright and so are the other pigs they are absolutely shocked. But when they see Napoleon not only standing upright but also holding a whip, their eyes are opened to what Animal Farm has really become. The sheep chant “Four legs good, two legs better” and this shows that everything Animal farm and the rebellion stood for is lost. Animal Farm is corrupt and has turned back to the days of Jones going against everything they worked for. This is the epiphanal point of the story for the reader and for the characters.

1 comment:

  1. I want to say this picture is so cute! It's vivid and picturesque to describe the details of "Animal Farm", this picture make me as if I were in the real animal farm!
