Novel Study Outline

Independent & Mirror Novel Study Unit
Your Name: __________________________
Novel Title & Author: ______________________________________

Thematic tie for this unit’s possible texts:

Lord of the Flies; Life of Pi


Heart of Darkness; Memoirs of a Geisha; Animal Farm; Clockwork Orange; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; TBD

Oh the horror…the horror…” (Kurtz, from Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now)

  1. Quartering the text. Purpose: like summary sheets, these offer a synopsis of 4 sections of the text and compressed analysis of ideas therein. Use the structure as a guide- you may email these to me with your block & assignment # or you may sign up for a conference slot with me to determine your grade Each summary is worth: /5 x 4 = /20
  2. *Verbal- visual demonstrating “4 part bridging” representing each quarter- peer, self and/or teacher evaluated: /6 x 4 = /24
  3. *Bank of questions for each quarter: on the line, between the line and beyond the line: /6 x 4 = /24
  4. *Two polished character sketches posted on blog- for first half and also for second half using proper expository format: /12 x 2= /24
  5. Final essay on a student and teacher generated topic- requires a minimum of TWO conference marks 1. Conference on essay to clear topic /2
2. Conference to edit first draft /2
3. Final polished essay posted to blog /24
  1. 2 posted feedback to peer’s blog; also, save and take to Lit Circle group /6
  2. Lit Circles Table Talk-self evaluation and peer evaluation /12
  3. One polished response writing where you will tie the above quote from Heart of Darkness to your text after researching the significance. (Remember to cite properly) /12
  4. *View film & analyze or listen to & analyze 3 or songs that deal with theme of this unit; post on your blog /24

  • Keep ALL rough work! You may need rough work and ideas later to create a note bank, valuable for your lit circle discussions, which will be the final project for this unit; there will be an adult leader for each lit circle to facilitate discussion! We will be creating files in the classroom, or you may create a transport file accessible online IF you want to take work away. I need a paper trail in case of a cyber crisis!!!
  • We will have a separate handout with rules for blogs & for your blog site where peers will post feedback to your posts
  • *You must choose 2 assignments to do from the list of starred choices.  If you'd like to do something that is not listed, just ASK!

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