Monday, 15 October 2012

Hello  my name is Kennedy, the book I am reading is Lord of the Flies. I have read to page 22, and so far what has happened is there was a plane crash on an island and a boy named Piggy met an other boy named Ralph. the boys came across a lagoon type beach and what was found out or reviled was that Piggy has asthma and that his parents have passed away. Later on in the book Piggy and Ralph found a conch, Piggy told Ralph that he knew someone who would blow into one of them and that he couldn't blow into it because of his asthma. Ralph tried a few times to make the horn sound of the conch, once he finally made the horn type noise of the conch Ralph kept blowing on it. Piggy and Ralph told each other that they were going to see if there were any more people on the island, a few time's Ralph blew the conch Piggy saw a boy on the beach, Piggy asked the boys name and the boy told him his name was Johnny. A few minutes after that most kids started coming out of the trees to meet where Piggy and Johnny were standing.
        I chose to read this book because it seemed like it would be the easiest for me to read, and that i could get through it quicker with out any trouble.

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