Friday, 26 October 2012

How to build a parachute shelter

How to build a parachute shelter. You will need: sticks vines parachute canopy How to build the shelter: 1:Find a flat area that is about 10 feet by 10 feet. 2:Find 3 polls about 8 feet long. 3:Stand up the polls in a tripod shape and tie them together. 4:Find a few more long sticks and lean them up against the tripod. 5:Lay the parachute over the tripod then find the bridle loop and place it over the top of a free-standing poll. 6:Wrap the parachute around the tripod leaving room for the door. 6:Leave a space a foot large at the top of the shelter for ventilation if you want to have a fire inside. It is important for the boys to know how to build a shelter because there are no houses on the island. Building a shelter out of a parachute would be wise because there is a parachute already on the island. Parachutes are very durable to it would be the perfect material to build a shelter out of to stay safe from all of the elements. There are many other ways the boys could build a shelter such as using debris to make a hut but I think that this is the best way.

1 comment:

  1. Great advice, certanly sounds like a good way to have a shelter if a tent or house is not avalable.
