Sunday, 28 October 2012

Animal Farm 2/2

Animal farm 2/2

 In the second half of Animal Farm Napoleon quickly changes his mind about the windmill as proceeds in having the animals build it.  Napoleon is now in full control of the farm and the pigs have taken over. After a very stormy night the windmill crash’s to the ground and Napoleon demands the animals rebuilt it stronger and bigger. The seven commandments are secretly changed and the pigs now drink alcohol, wear clothing, sleep in beds and the pig’s walk on two feet. Napoleon demands eggs from the hens and milk from the cows for trading with neighbor farmers and all animals that do not abide my napoleons rules are to be killed. The years past and napoleon now wears clothing and changes the farms name back to manor farm. One night the animals watched napoleon and Mr. Pilkington though the farmhouse windows and could no longer tell which was pig and which was human.

 Characters Introduced
 Minimus: Minimus is Napoleons pig poet. He is a flat character.

Snowball: Snowball is a pig on the farm and he is a round character who enjoys teaching others to read and write.
Mr.Jones: Mr.Jones is often drunk and cruel towards his animals. He is a flat, static character who has been defeated by animal’s main times.
Napoleon: Napoleon is a pig on the farm. He controls most of the animals with his trusty attack puppies. Snowball is the antagonist as well as a round and dynamic character
Boxer: Boxer is a trusty horse who is very driven by the success of Animal Farm. He is a flat character.
Squealer: Squealer is a pig with the traits of a flat character and spreads news on the farm.
Old Major: Old Major was the leader of the farm who imagined a farm without humans. Old Major is a pig with traits of a flat character.
Clover: Clover is one of the horses. She is a flat character and is rarely talked about.
Moses: Moses is a loony raven who speaks only of the Sugarcandy Mountains in the after life. He is a flat character.
Mollie: Mollie is a pampered little mare who recently left the farm because no one was grooming her or feeding her sugar cubes. Mollie is a flat character.
Benjamin: Benjamin is a donkey who is not picking one of the pigs side in the falling. He is a flat character with strong believe being that life will suck no matter who’s side you pick.
Muriel: Muriel is a white goat who is mentioned little; making her a flat character.
Mr. Frederick/Mr. Pilkington/Mr. Whymper: Are all neighborhood farmers who the animal farm detests. They are all flat characters.
Jessie/Bluebell/Pincher: the three dogs are mentioned once and the only fact being that they are dogs. All are flat characters in the story.

Point of View
The story is told from a narrator in third person and is seen through the eyes of a common farm animal. The common farm animal never seems to be affect by what is going on around the farm making the point of view also omniscient.

The story takes place on a farm in England. The farm has a barn and house. There are also large fields, which the animals tend to. The time period that story takes place in is the nineteen thirty’s.

Writer’s Style
The author George Orwell tends to say very little about the characters. Orwell uses irony and foreshadowing to add suspense to the story. Orwell write’s very short and informational sentences.

Statement of Themes
The main theme in the story is humans being animals and vice versa. The story starts off with humans acting like animals and ends with pigs being human. This is a reoccurring theme throughout the story. Another theme is abuse of power. Napoleon stole Snowballs ideas and turned the farm against him. Napoleon holds all the power and is working the animals so hard that many of them are quitting and no longer trusting Napoleon.

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